We hope that the following questions and answers will help you prepare and get the most out of your experience as a pitcher for your local Good Cause.
You need to reply as soon as possible to confirm your attendance. Your reply should include a few words about what you will be pitching for so we can spread the word in our Pre-Soup publicity. You will need to send us your bank account details (adminteam@suttonsoup.org.uk) before the event so that we will be ready to pay the money into your account should you win – this information will not be shared or retained after the event.
On the night of Sutton Soup, the four pitchers will each have 4 minutes to pitch their idea to the audience. After each pitch, the audience will have the opportunity to ask up to 4 questions. After all four pitchers have presented, the audience will vote for their favourite idea. The pitcher with the most votes wins the money.
We offer you half a trestle table to display promotional material and there is limited space (a few feet behind and to the side) for you to stand and for any floor-standing displays you may have. We cannot offer a power supply but you are free to use a laptop to display pictures etc to show what you do. Although your pitch is all important people will be coming to talk to you before the event and after you have pitched when they are deciding who to vote for.
People generally start arriving at about 19:00 so on the evening we suggest you arrive around 18:30 giving you plenty of time to set your display up before then. The church doors facing Gibson Road will be open. The pitcher and one other have free entrance.
It's perfectly normal to feel nervous about pitching. But don't worry, the audience at Sutton Soupis friendly and supportive. Here are a few tips to help you prepare for your pitch:
Practice your pitch in advance.
Time your pitch to make sure it's 4 minutes long.
Be prepared to answer questions from the audience.
Relax and have fun!
We offer everyone a sound check so you can familiarise yourself with the sound system before the evening starts.
You will have 4 minutes for your pitch (timed to the second) and then 4 questions from the audience. What you say is obviously up to you but from experience people want to know what it is you do and what you will be spending the money on should you win - it always helps if you can outline a particular project or equipment you need etc.
You will have the chance to win money to make your project happen.
You will gain exposure to an audience of potential supporters and volunteers.
You will get feedback on your idea from a live audience.
You will hear other new and innovative ideas.
The chance to meet other people from the community who are passionate about making a difference.
We strongly encourage you to invite your friends and supporters to book tickets. Obviously, the more people who attend the more money for the winner, and the bigger the audience the bigger the buzz on the evening and the more everyone enjoys it. Also, it helps to have faces you recognise when you are pitching and, of course, the more loyal supporters you have the more votes you will get (and often the voting is very close to an extra friend or two can make all the difference).
Sutton Soup is a community crowdfunding event where four local causes pitch their ideas to a live audience. The audience then votes for their favourite idea, and the winner takes home the money to make their project happen.
Sutton Soup takes place 4 times a year (January, April, July and October) at St Nicholas Church in Sutton, UK.
To apply to pitch at Sutton Soup, please complete the form here: https://suttonsoup.org.uk/apply-to-pitch.