Sutton Soup really value our sponsors. Without them there would be no Sutton Soup, as we rely on private sponsorship to cover all of our running costs. By sponsoring Sutton Soup you are not just enabling us to raise thousands of pounds for local good causes - you are helping to create a fun, inclusive event that can be enjoyed by everyone in Sutton borough and an invaluable networking platform for groups and individuals who want to do good in our community.
There are two levels of sponsorship available for potential sponsors of Sutton Soup.
Standard Level Sponsorship
Standard level sponsorship for one Soup costs £150. There may be up to three Standard sponsors for each event. Sponsors can expect the following:
• Logo on promotional leaflet, and copies of leaflet to be delivered to sponsor for them to distribute as they wish
• Logo on Sponsors page of Sutton Soup website
• A thank you in the pre-event promotional email detailing the pitchers which goes out a week before the event to our entire mailing list
• Logo on the Sponsors Board at the event
• At least two mentions at the event, one at the start and one at the end, by the presenters. If the sponsor is in attendance the presenters can draw attention to them in the crowd with their mention, should they wish.
• The opportunity to bring their own leaflets and put them on the sponsors table, should they wish.
• A thank you in the recap email which goes out a week after the event to our entire mailing list.
• A Facebook post thanking them and linking to a page of their choice
• A Twitter post thanking them and tagging their Twitter page
If a sponsor goes ahead with Standard Level Sponsorship for a second or consecutive time, they may:
• Bring along their own promotional banners or any other materials and set up a station (which may be shared with other qualifying sponsors) at the sponsors table. The presenters will draw attention to this before the soup is served, encouraging attendees to go over and chat to the sponsor.
Headline Level Sponsorship
Headline level sponsorship for one Soup costs £500. There can be only one headline sponsor for each event. Should we have a Headline sponsor the maximum number of Standard sponsors will be reduced to two. Headline sponsors can expect the following:
• Everything offered to Standard and consecutive Standard sponsors, above.
• A pull up banner showing their support for Sutton Soup prominently positioned near to the voting buckets. This banner will need to be especially designed, and produced, at the cost of the sponsor.
• A photograph of the sponsor with the winner of the event, and the giant cheque, in front of the pull up banner. This photograph may be used by the sponsor on any social media or promotional material they wish.
• The photograph of the Headline sponsor with the winner to be put out on the Sutton Soup social media, with appropriate links.
• The opportunity to place leaflets of the sponsor’s choice on the pews of the church before the event.
• The guarantee that the pull up banner will remain displayed at the following three Soups (for a minimum of one year after they have Headline sponsored).
No sponsors of any level will be on the stage at any time during the event.
If you are interested in sponsoring Sutton Soup, or have any questions about sponsoring, get in touch with us via and we will get back to you as soon as we can.